In this post, you will find an admin panel template collection. It is composed of more than 35 useful admin panel templates that have lots of powerful features. Some of them have advanced visualizations and great charts while others are Ajax loading and have error pages that are fully customizable. Other features that you should expect to find in a good admin panel template include bar graphs, scatter graphs, meters, gauges, bullet graphs and spark lines.

In simple words, an admin panel template lets you and your clients control your web applications easily and with style. As the administrator, you should have complete control over each detail of your or your clients website. The admin panel has to be user friendly and the interface should not be too complicated. In addition, you should be able to handle navigation easily. When considering an admin dashboard template, you should look for the exact features you need like tabs, tables, forms, dropdown menus as well as different charts.

An admin panel design can also provide easy access to different layout combinations styles and colors. You can create a custom admin panel from scratch, but this would easily cost you a lot of cash and time. Therefore, I encourage you to browse on our list of ready-made admin panel templates.

Once you are done, please tell us your thoughts through the comment section. Also, if you think an admin panel template collection would benefit your friends, please share this post with them.

Disclosure: Please note that some of the links below are affiliate links and I will earn a commission if you purchase through those links (at no extra cost to you). I recommend that you do your own independent research before purchasing any product or service. This article is not a guideline, a recommendation or endorsement of specific products.

Ergo – Admin UI Template – MORE INFO


This amazing admin template offers your all the features & components you need for your application or system. With it’s clean and unique design Ergo astonishes by it’s simplicity in design and complexity in details and elements.

Shamcey – Metro Style Admin Template – MORE INFO

shamcey admin panel template

Shamcey is yet another new metro style admin template built using Bootstrap and other jQuery plugins that is perfect for your next projects. It provides an easy to use user interface design and a fully responsive layout that is compatible with handheld devices such as phones and tablets.

uAdmin – Responsive Admin Dashboard Template – MORE INFO


uAdmin is a premium admin template built on top of the popular Bootstrap Framework and comes with a flat design direction. It overwrites the default style of the framework to match its own and at the same time extends it to a large degree without being too complicated and losing its simplicity. Even if you are not familiar with the framework, theme’s components can be easily replicated without losing your focus on the developement. It is a professional and flexible admin template/skin solution and can be used to build all kind of projects such as web applications or backend website solutions. I encourage you to have a good look at the live demo and discover all the features included.

AdminPlus – Premium Bootstrap Admin Template – MORE INFO


AdminPlus  looks great on both desktop and mobile devices as we took special care to adjust the interface for luxurious user experience on smaller screens. Users with latest iPhone and iPad devices will be pleased with hi-res retina-ready graphics.

Start – Metro UI Responsive Admin Template – MORE INFO


Start is a new responsive admin template based on latest Windows 8 interface. This one, called Metro UI, has its roots in the design principles of classic Swiss graphic design – minimal, bold, high contrast and flat colors are some of its great features.

FLAT – Responsive Admin Template – MORE INFO


FLAT is a responsive admin template powered by Twitter Bootstrap 2.3.0 for administration and backend applications. FLAT has a very fast and clean UI and design. It provides a very user-friendly design which results in a great user-experience. FLAT is the admin template you want to use for your next project – your clients will love you for this admin template

AIR – Responsive Bootstrap Admin Template – MORE INFO


AIR is a responsive bootstrap admin template built with twitter bootstrap. It is used for backend applications. It supports all modern devices. Ease comes with many custom made plugins and is user friendly designed and developed.

Pannonia – fully responsive admin template – MORE INFO


Pannonia – a new premium admin skin based on Twitter Bootstrap framework with flexible content structure.

Metronic – Responsive Admin Dashboard Template – MORE INFO


Metronic is a responsive admin dashboard template powered with Twitter Bootstrap Framework for admin and backend applications. Metronic has a clean and intuitive metro style design which makes your next project look awesome and yet user friendly. Metronic comes with a huge collection of plugins and UI components and it works in all major web browsers, tablets and phones.

AdminKIT – Premium Admin Template – MORE INFO


AdminKIT is a fully responsive HTML5 & CSS3 admin template, perfect for anyone looking to start a custom backend system with a modern & smart interface.

Sangoma Bootstrap Admin Template – MORE INFO


Sangoma is a modern flat Bootstrap template for any backend, user interface or administration, both for desktop and mobile users. Built on latest Twitter Bootstrap and powered with LESS, Sangoma will save you hours in developing your project. Template is available in 8 default colors and packed with basic and popular user interface elements and widgets.

Beoro Admin Responsive Template – MORE INFO


Beoro Admin is a HTML5/CSS3 backend template based on Twitter Bootstrap Framework, it’s easily customisable, cross-browser compatible and works great on desktops, tablets and mobile devices. It can be used for any web aplication (Cms, Crm, Statistics, Shop backend etc).

Conquer – Responsive Admin Dashboard Template – MORE INFO


Conquer is a responsive admin dashboard template created mainly for admin and backend applications(CMS, CRM, Custom Admin Application, Admin Dashboard). Conquer template powered with Twitter Bootstrap Framework and it comes with a huge collection of reusable UI components and integrated jQuery plugins. Conquer template works on all major web browsers, tablets and phones.

Admindo – Responsive Admin Template – MORE INFO


Admindo is a responsive admin template build with the latest Twitter Bootstrap. This template is great for webapp, CMS, and other admin applications. It’s easily to customize, cross-browser compatible and works great on desktops, tablets and mobile devices.

Virgo – Premium Admin Template – MORE INFO


Virgo is responsive and soft admin template, with clean HTML code, based on jQuery and Bootstrap. In this template you will find all what you need for your back-end app, or another project. Virgo template included with lot of jQuery plugins, that compatible with all newest browsers.

METRO – Premium Admin Template – MORE INFO


Aries – Metro Style Admin Template – MORE INFO


Aries is a responsive metro admin template, developed using windows8 standarts, based on Bootstrap and jQuery. The clean, fast, light dashboard template will help you build your own metro application, and save a lot of time. It comes with huge collection icons plugins and examples. Also in package you will find PNG template of main page, font icons package and documentation. Aries is Retina Ready and supports all major browsers and IE from 7 version.

The Realm – Clean & Modern Admin Template – MORE INFO

The Realm

This admin template was built with the popular Bootstrap framework from Twitter and has been styled in a modern flat design. The admin template adapts seamlessly with any device such as tablets and mobile phones.

Falgun – Metro Style Bootstrap Admin Dashboard – MORE INFO


Fagun is a responsive CSS3 admin dashboard template and is Bootstrap 2.2.2 compatible. It is very compatible and supports most of the modern gadgets and devices like Desktop, iPhone, iPad, Tablet and any smartphone.It has a fully flat GUI with fun awesome icons and it has a lot of cool widgets. It is very easy to use and very easy to change.

Katniss Premium Admin Template – MORE INFO


Katniss Responsive Admin Template is a unique animated admin template using css3 with many features, plugins and custom elements that you can use fo your backend projects. This template has 3 different skins hat you can change anytime you want. This template also very useful for any type of application.

ease – Responsive Admin Template – MORE INFO


ease is a responsive dashboard admin template built with twitter bootstrap. It is used for backend applications. It supports all modern devices. Ease comes with many custom made plugins and is user friendly designed and developed. It has a detailed documentation and developers can start new backend projects fast. The color correspond very good together and the color palette is very user friendly.

Maruti Admin – MORE INFO


Here we are presenting Responsive Admin Template with Clean and Minimal design. You will find too many options with this theme.

Aquincum – Premium Responsive Admin Template – MORE INFO


Aquincum is a premium admin skin with lots of custom elements, 35 plugins and very flexible content structure. It has 3 columns liquid structure with 3 level navigation and 2 level sidebar. Available 10 main backgrounds, compatible with Bootstrap 2.0.3 and latest jquery versions. Aquincum is a responsive template and it is very flexible for different type of data and content.

Mango – Slick & Responsive Admin Template – MORE INFO


Mango, a slick and responsive Admin Template, comes with all features you can imagine – and even those you can’t imagine. It is build with modern techniques like HTML5 and CSS3 to be used for backend solutions of any size. It has custom elements, 30+ plugins, 15+ custom plugins and a very flexible content structure. Mango supports 12 columns grid for main content and widgets make the whole Admin Template very flexible for different types of data and content. The probably most sophisticated Admin Template you have ever seen is waiting for you!

MoonCake – Responsive Admin Template – MORE INFO


MoonCake is a responsive, full featured admin template. This template is build on Bootstrap framework using HTML5 and CSS3 . Its main focus is simplicity while providing the most commonly used elements and widgets on web apps across devices and browsers. Since v1.1, this template has two build in design styles integrated; Simple and Creative. The simple style targets users that desire simplicity, friendly and plain interfaces where only functionality is the main concern, while the creative style targets users that desire a sophisticated, graphical user interface with skeuomorphic elements.

Esthetics Admin-Clean & Responsive Admin Template – MORE INFO


Esthetics Admin is a apple inspired admin template for huge and small backend solutions. It includes custom plugins, forms, validations, charts, tables, notifications and much more. The template is built on HTML5 with CSS3 features powered by jQuery and modernizer.

Amanda Responsive Admin Template – MORE INFO


Amanda Responsive Admin Template is a new admin template with many features, plugins and custom elements that you can use fo your backend projects. This template has built-in theme switcher that you can change anytime you want. This template is very useful for any type of application whether for desktop or mobile devices. It has addon pages that you can use for your in house activity like blog, newsfeed, product list and photo/video sharing.

Zice Admin Colorful Admin Template – MORE INFO


Zice Admin is Colorful Admin theme, includes dashboard, form, full option gallery, graph presentation, file management, calendar, user interface, map & location, error page, 200+ icon,Theme PSD File and documentation for admin management. It is colorful style effect and design templates for easy to use

Developr – Fully Responsive Admin Skin – MORE INFO


Building a web app for desktop and mobile devices? Developr is for you. Write your code once, and let it handle the magic of responsive webdesign. Developr Admin skin is a flexible responsive HTML5 /CSS3 template, built on the mobile-first principle and based on the solid foundations of HTML5 Boilerplate and 320andUp, which provides a rich set of styles and features for all your needs.

Dandelion Admin – Responsive Admin Template – MORE INFO


This is a nice template with focus on having a simple, clear design, while providing the most commonly used elements on web apps.

Supr – Responsive Admin Template – MORE INFO


Supr is a full admin skin based on popular Twitter Bootstrap framework. This template is designed to help you build the site administration without losing valuable time.Template contains all the important functions which must have one backend system. Template looks good in any device.

It’s Brain – premium admin theme – MORE INFO

It's Brain

Its Brain – new premium admin theme. It’s very popular and with lots of useful features.

Amsterdam – Premium Responsive Admin Template – MORE INFO


Amsterdam admin template is a responsive template built with Twitter Bootstrap for backend panels, suitable for cms systems, web apps and other control/billing/hosting panels.

MWS Admin – Full Featured Admin Template – MORE INFO

MWS Admin

This template is designed to be responsive, so it will adapt to any screen size. Any element in this template will resize or reposition itself to look at its best. Whether it’s a desktop computer, an iPad, or an Android Mobile Phone, everything will look just great! it aims to be full featured while keeping everything simple and straight forward.

Crown – Premium Responsive Admin Theme – MORE INFO


Crown admin theme is a new premium admin panel template with lots of integrated features, plugins and custom elements. It could be useful for any type of web application, custom administration panels, any backend system etc.

Gebo Admin Responsive Template – MORE INFO


Gebo Admin is full featured, two column responsive template based on Bootstrap Framework from Twitter. It a TOP seller and it has lots of js plugins: charts, filterable/searchable list, calendar, multiselect, location finder, file manager, gallery grid, datatables, sticky messages, WYSIWG editor and many more.

Huraga Responsive Admin Template – MORE INFO


Huraga is a beautifully minimalistic HTML5 template for any backend, user interface or administration, both for desktop and mobile users. Built on latest Twitter Bootstrap and powered with LESS , Huraga will save you hours in developing your project. Template is available in 4 default colors and packed with basic and popular user interface elements and widgets.