Fairy tale characters are the favorites of almost everybody. Every person was a child once, and as a kid, you must have known some popular fairy tales. Many heard such tales from their grandmothers while others may have encountered them in the classroom. Fairy tales tell of a fantastic world that is much different from our real environment. Fairy tales also has a number of imaginative characters with unique powers, circumstances and places.
What make fairy tale characters particularly entertaining are their distinctive characteristics that set them apart from each other. Thus, every fairy tale character has a unique personality that emphasizes its own specialty. Thus, there is pretty Rapunzel who has beautiful hair, but she is trapped in a high tower. There is also Cinderella who is also mighty pretty, but pestered by her own wicked cousins.
In this post, I have gathered a list of more than 40 adorable artworks of fairy tale characters for your enjoyment. Each image has been rendered by the artist according to his unique characteristic and style. Thus, my list of fairy tale characters illustrates the different ways each character can be illustrated.
Enjoy browsing on this post and once you are done share your thoughts on the fairy tale characters with us through the comment section below. If this post inspired you, kindly share it with your friends.
Little Red Riding Hood
Little Red Riding Hood – MORE INFO
Bad Wolf – MORE INFO
La Caperucita Roja – MORE INFO
Little Red Riding Hood by Haryarti – MORE INFO
One Bad Little Red Riding Hood – MORE INFO
Red Riding Hood – MORE INFO
Little Red Riding Hood by Niking – MORE INFO
Red Riding Hood – MORE INFO
Cinderella Princess – MORE INFO
Cinderella’s Actual Colors – MORE INFO
Cinderella Diamond Edition – MORE INFO
New Day at the Cinderella Castle – MORE INFO
Pink Cinderella – MORE INFO
Cinderella and Prince Charming – MORE INFO
Cinderella – MORE INFO
Cinderella Putting On Her Glove – MORE INFO
Cinderella Wishes Upon a Dream – MORE INFO
The Little Mermaid
The Little Mermaid – MORE INFO
Ariel Wallpaper – MORE INFO
Cartoon – The Little Mermaid – MORE INFO
The Prince and the Pauper
Prince and the Pauper – MORE INFO
The.Prince.and.the.Pauper – MORE INFO
The Prince and the Pauper II – MORE INFO
Snow White and the Seven Dwarves
Dancing with the Prince – MORE INFO
Snow White Paints – MORE INFO
Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs Classic – MORE INFO
Snow White and the Dwarves – MORE INFO
Station Snow White – MORE INFO
Snow White – MORE INFO
The Seven Dwarfs – MORE INFO
Disney Princesses Wallpaper – MORE INFO
Robin Hood
Robin Hood – MORE INFO
Robin Hood – MORE INFO
Puss in Boots
Puss in Boots – MORE INFO
Jedi Puss in Boots – MORE INFO
Puss in Boots Wallpaper – MORE INFO
Puss in Boots – MORE INFO
Kitty Softpaws – MORE INFO
Puss Plays The Banjo – MORE INFO
Puss in Boots – MORE INFO
FT – Puss in Boots – MORE INFO
Puss-in-Boots – MORE INFO
Alexander Naz is a professional writer with a proven track record.
He is a creative blogger who is passionate about digital marketing, web design and SEO. He is also a family man and has a passion for the outdoors.